A trophy and open doors for Reverso

Reverso wins the Sardine Trophy

The small Reverso dinghy has just won the first Sardine Trophy in Marseille. An award which helps the development of this dismountable and transportable sailing boat.

Readers of Bateaux.com are familiar with the Reverso dinghy. Designed and built by Antoine Simon, this single or double dinghy can be dismantled into four parts and stored in the boot of a station wagon.

After two years of development and fine-tuning, marketing has just been launched and the manufacturer is counting on 130 units sold by 2018. To help this development, the manufacturer has just won the Sardine Trophy: a new start-up competition launched this year in Marseille by the strategy consulting firm Arcturus, the Pilotes Maritimes, the Fondation de la Mer and the French Maritime Cluster.

Reverso gagne le Sardine Trophy
Reverso wins the Sardine Trophy

In addition to the 8,000 euros in cash, this competition will open the doors to companies that commit to helping the development of Reverso. A nice gift estimated at 180,000 euros.

This competition, open to start-ups in the maritime world (but not only yachting), saw 10 companies reach the final. For yachting, we will recognize Navily (the application that notes ports and anchorages) or Bording Ring (the glasses to fight against seasickness).

Open house in the Paris region


To celebrate this trophy, under the trendy name of Urban Sailing, Reverso is offering trials of its boat on the Saint-Quentin en Yvelines lake on 23 and 24 September 2017 (in the Paris region in the 78). Don't hesitate if you are tempted to sail a fast and fun dinghy!

Tests by appointment: contact@reversoproject.com

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