Fleur de Lampaul: A pictorial tour of an old sailing ship beloved by children

Fleur de Lampaul docked in Concarneau © Briag MERLET

La Fleur de Lampaul left its mark on a generation of young television viewers and continues to attract children. We took advantage of a stopover in Concarneau as part of the Matelots de la Vie program to take a thorough look at the old rig, which is still beautifully maintained.

An old sailing ship at the service of children

Its name resonates particularly with many adults born in the 1980s, who followed the adventures of young students on television. The gabare, whose rich history is not limited to television adventures today, he pursues his mission with children, alongside his cruising activity, wintering in Lapland and summering on the French coast, which enables him to take on the costly upkeep of this working sail witness.

At the time of our visit on board, in Concarneau, the yacht was hosting a crew of 8 adults and 8 children for the association Les Matelots de la Vie, founded by Elsa Chauve, daughter of the famous ocean racing doctor and former child sailor of the 1990s. As part of this program, children who have been hospitalized for long periods sail Fleur de Lampaul for 3 weeks, and share their adventure on video with over 300 children in French hospitals.

We'll take you on board.

Le vaste pont de la gabare peut accueillir du monde et du matériel
The gabare's vast deck can accommodate people and equipment
Une étrave volumineuse
A voluminous bow
La plage avant et son imposant guideau sous bâche. L'accès au poste avant ne sert plus qu'occasionnellement.
The foredeck with its imposing guide under a tarpaulin. The access to the foredeck is now only used occasionally.
Les claire-voie agrémentent l'ancien panneau de cale et éclairent la cale, devenue lieu de vie du bord. Conçue dès l'origine avec un moteur, les 260 m2 de voilure ont besoin de vent pour propulser les 120 T du navire.
The clerestory embellishes the old hatch and illuminates the hold, which has become a living space on board. Designed from the outset with an engine, the 260 m2 of sails need wind to propel the ship's 120 tons.
Une timonerie à l'ancienne, qui garde son charme
An old-fashioned wheelhouse that retains its charm
Derrière le poste de barre, on retrouve la cabine du capitaine et son bureau, toujours à proximité lorsqu'il est hors quart.
Behind the helm station is the captain's cabin and office, always close at hand when off watch.
Au pied de la timonerie, le généreux compartiment moteur accueille un moteur Baudoin DK6 de 1953, avec son démarreur à air comprimé. Deux groupes électrogènes complètent l'installation. 2700 L de carburant offrent une belle autonomie.
At the foot of the wheelhouse, the generous engine compartment houses a 1953 Baudoin DK6 engine with compressed-air starter. Two generators complete the installation. 2700 L of fuel provide ample autonomy.
Une mécanique robuste !
Robust mechanics!
Un bel escalier fait office de descente dans la cale, devenue lieu de vie du bord
A beautiful staircase leads down into the hold, which has become a living space on board
Une généreuse cuisine et un vaste espace de vie, avec deux carrés sur l'avant
Generous kitchen and living area, with two front squares
Carré bâbord
Port square
Une salle de bain confortable
A comfortable bathroom
Avec des enfants, les postes équipages ne sont pas toujours rangés, mais ils peuvent accueillir du monde ! Ici 4 à l'avant.
With children, crew quarters are not always tidy, but they can accommodate a lot of people! Here 4 at the front.
5 autres à l'arrière bâbord et autant à tribord. Un dernier espace équipage à l'arrière complète les couchages
5 more aft on port and the same on starboard. A final crew area aft completes the berths
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