C-Map, the marine mapping application for cell phones improved further

The C-Map mapping application, available on cell phones, has been revamped. Discover many powerful and interesting features, unfortunately reserved to the Premium version

A free version always useful

The C-Map application completes its offer. With a series of updates, the app available on Android and iOS offers a complete navigation tool.

C-Map is above all a vector cartography with a very rich and complete world coverage. Without subscription, users have access to it as long as they are connected to a network. You can calculate your route and even benefit from the latest autorouting functions (calculation of a route according to the draught of a boat in order to avoid pitfalls).

Still free access, the marine weather (24 hours) is also available along the route. You can also add waypoints or export the route in GPX format.

A very qualitative Premium version

Les différentes couches de couleurs paramétrables des cartes C-Map
The different customizable color layers of C-Map

But all the richness of the application appears with the Premium subscription. Indeed, the GPS position and navigation functions are available. But above all, the maps can be downloaded and available offline. Finally, weather forecasts are available for 5 days (and not 1 day in free version).

In addition to the many displays and the ability to set all the colors of its map, the Premium option of the C-Map application offers the possibility to overlay a satellite view and manage its transparency. This allows you to have a satellite view of the shallow seabed (setting from 0 to 100%).

Partnership with Navily

La fonction Autorouting et l'affichage météo
Autorouting and weather display

note that C-Map has developed a partnership with the Navily application which shares information on ports and anchorages from this community. C-Map also offers to create its own community by sharing (or not) its position. You can therefore see C-Map users appear on your map, like an AIS target.

Finally, for users of Simrad, B&G and Lowrance units (three brands that belong to the Navico group, which also owns C-Map), a specific version for each brand allows you to connect to the onboard plotter and easily share tracks and waypoints.

The many features of the latest version of this application have seduced us in its Premium version. Except for its annual cost. Indeed, expect a subscription of 55.99 euros/year to get all these interesting features.

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