Web series / Nomad Citizen Sailing: Discovering the mountain villages in Majorca

Daniela, Marvin and their little Tara have been at anchor on the island of Majorca for several weeks. In this new episode, they receive some money for a week's holiday and occupy their rainy days with a visit to the island's mountains.

After a nice beach day with friends, the next day was dedicated to visiting the mountains and charming little villages nestled in the hills. With three children on board, and the rain in the morning, the group preferred to rent a car on land rather than stay locked in the boat with three children.

The thunderstorms are back during the night and Marvin takes advantage of it to take some pictures of the lightning. A moment that reminds him of his sailing trips to the Glénan when he was a child.

The next day, Marvin indulges in his favorite activity, underwater fishing, which he can now practice legally since he has his license. A precious sesame obtained with difficulty after several days of administrative steps. Unfortunately, he returned once again empty-handed.

For Marvin's last evening on board Nomad Citizen - he must return to France the next day - the couple rests and enjoys a beautiful sunset. Their friends have left and Daniela must now prepare her trip to Serbia - where she is originally from - with her little Tara.

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