Driven by the Wind: How to keep busy for 5 days of crossing?

Aurélien, Sarah and Nael (who celebrated her first birthday on January 12, 2018) share with us their first big crossing. A 700 mile crossing between the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. So how do you keep busy during a 5-day navigation? Sarah explains it to us in video by sharing their daily life with us.

The crew of the Wind-Pushed boat spent several weeks criss-crossing the Canary Islands. Before their big transatlantic race to Brazil (a 10-day crossing from Cape Verde to Fernando do Noronha), they trained with a 5-day (700-mile) sail from the island of El Hierro (in the Canary Islands archipelago) to La Palmeira (Cape Verde).

5 days of sailing, 6 nights at sea (finally arrived during the night)... How do you keep busy when you're "stuck" on Maloya, their 12.71m Oceanis 411 Clipper? Especially with a one-year-old baby who's starting to crawl everywhere? How do you handle night shifts with a Nael who wakes up several times a night? This is what Sarah proposes to discover...

Taking care of Nael, tidying up, reading, cooking, sailing, admiring the sunsets and sunrises, taking naps, or fishing are the activities that punctuate life on board. Without forgetting the weather points with their router...

A crossing made smoothly after several months of sailing, since (almost) everyone is moored.

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