Help the Hermione build a new mizzen sail

Before her big trip to the Mediterranean in 2018, the Hermione needs to change her mizzen sail. And to find the necessary financing - up to 20,000 - the association has launched a crowfunding via the Kiss Kiss Bank Bank platform.

A popular project

As a reminder, the reconstruction of the Hermione is a 17 years work, started by the association Hermione-La Fayette in 1992. Thanks to the work of hundreds of volunteers - craftsmen, historians, sailors and volunteer jiggers - and a great deal of popular fervour - the project was followed by nearly 4.5 million visitors - the replica of the Lafayette frigate was able to see the light of day in 2014. She set sail in 2015 for her maiden voyage to America, following in La Fayette's footsteps.

A new journey in 2018

With less than 100 days to go, preparations for the Hermione's journey are well under way. For this new journey, the Freedom Frigates will cross the Mediterranean. But in order to continue sailing, the ship needs a new mizzen sail.

From February to June 2018, the Hermione will set sail for the Mediterranean Sea . A journey of several months for the Hermione and her crew of 80 people, with many stopovers: La Rochelle, Tangier, Barcelona, Sète, Toulon, Marseille, Port Vendres, Bastia, Portimao, Pasaia, Bordeaux. The frigate will return to her home port on 16 June 2018.

A collection for making a mizzen sail

The association has therefore launched an appeal for donations and hopes to collect the sum of 20,000 euros to finance the manufacture of a replacement sail. Located at the rear of the ship, the mizzen sail - which has a surface area of 78 m2 - is advantageously used for manoeuvring. On the Hermione, 90% of the sailing is done under sail. The aim is therefore to complete the sail before the frigate's departure on 30 January 2018. On 31 October 2017, the association collected the sum of 7557 euros.

This mizzen sail - like the 16 other sails of the ship - is made to measure, in linen, by 3 companies :

  • Incidences in La Rochelle, for cutting
  • Burgaud in Noirmoutier, for the assembly
  • Anne Renault, master sailmaker, for the finishing touches made in the traditional way, in the sailmaker's workshop in Rochefort.

The collection will therefore be used to finance the mizzen sail in the following way:

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